
This document is for educational and informational purposes only. The contents of this document do not constitute financial advertising. All information and analysis are intended to found our investment decision and no specific recommendations are intended. Therefore, nothing contained in this document constitutes a proposition or inducement to engage in any type of investment.

The information herein is provided in good faith but does not constitute any warranty or promise. If the TYZ Ecosystem is released, there is no guarantee that it will contain all of the features listed in this document. The administration of the TYZ Ecosystem specifically disclaims any liability, and Users expressly waive any claims, any direct, indirect losses or damages of any kind arising from:

• reliance on any information contained in this document, or any information associated with it;

• any error, omission or inaccuracy in the information provided, as well as any action resulting therefrom;

• use of project services.

A team's past achievements should not be relied upon as an indicator of future success and performance.

The White Paper is an important document that should be read in its entirety. Photographs, diagrams, charts and maps used in this document are for illustrative purposes only. All information presented in charts, graphs and tables is based on available data as of the date indicated. Unless otherwise expressly stated, monetary amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars.

We recommend that you consult with your legal, financial or business professional before participating in the TYZ Ecosystem. Please also ensure that you are either well informed about the general risks associated with the use of blockchain technology, or have received professional advice on this issue before participating in the TYZ Ecosystem.

The administration of the TYZ Ecosystem reserves the right to update, change or correct this document at its sole discretion, without notice, acceptance of any obligation or liability to any recipient of this document. This document does not bind or transfer any rights, obligations, conditions, performance, agreements, representations or warranties on behalf of the administration of the TYZ Ecosystem to the user, and does not create any relationship between the administration of the TYZ Ecosystem and any user or any other party.

Last updated