
Staking is a platform that guarantees passive income to investors, starting from the launch of the ecosystem development. TYZ tokens can be staked and rewarded immediately after the first crowdsale.

Staking in the TYZ ecosystem will consist of three stages, each next stage will completely replace the previous one. The differences will be both in the timing of the event, and in the parameters and mechanics of calculating rewards.

The first two stages (staking stage 1 and staking stage 2) will be valid for a limited time. Staking stage 1 starts after launch of the crowdsale №1 and continues until the start of crowdsale №2. Staking stage 2 lasts between crowdsale №2 and №3.

After the third crowdsale, staking will switch to a permanent scheme of work and will not have a time limit.

Each stage will be allocated a certain amount of TYZ tokens for the payment of rewards. Until the full launch of the ecosystem (01.10.2025), a guaranteed reward for stakers will be established. After the launch of the TYZ ecosystem, stakers will only receive rewards from the income of the ecosystem. But already at the second stage, users will receive additional rewards, which are formed from the income from the game “22Game”.

Staking involves investing tokens for a predetermined period. And if the investor wants to receive his funds before this time? Funds can be received back at the user's request at any time, but in this case, the platform will withhold a commission (early unstake fee) in its favor.

Next, we will consider each stage in more detail.

Last updated