Staking stage 3

At this stage, there will be a transition to the main algorithm of the staking platform. It is better adapted to the goals of the TYZ ecosystem and will not be time-limited. Now, the amount of rewards for stakers will be formed mainly from the income of the ecosystem. This will be facilitated by the launch of the platforms “Indrik Club” and in the future “GeoCompass”. To ensure a smooth transition to a permanent scheme, a rewards pool (stage 3) is allocated in the amount of 2 060 000 TYZ from the total supply. TYZ ecosystem is completed, rewards will be additionally funded from this pool (from 01.08.2023 to 01.10.2025, 762 days in total).

The main features when using staking:

  • receiving passive income in proportion to the size of the stake – the more staked the investor, the greater part of the reward he will receive from commissions “22Game”, “Indrik Club”, “GeoCompass”;

  • dependence on the time of the stake – the longer the period, the greater the amount of the reward;

  • possibility to participate in project voting (DAO).

Participation conditions

Users will be able to invest in staking only TYZ tokens, rewards will also be paid in TYZ tokens. At the same time, you can invest tokens at any time. You can open a stake with the following lock-up periods:

  • 30 days;

  • 90 days;

  • 180 days;

  • 360 days.

Once a steak has been opened, it cannot be refilled. But you can open several stakes with different lock-up periods. When assessing the profitability of this strategy, APR is used. The absolute value of APR will be floating, since the income from the ecosystem will not be fixed.

Distribution of rewards

The calculation of rewards will occur daily, but the accrual of rewards – every 30 days. You can watch the reward pool grow. Rewards are calculated in proportion to the stake balance of each investor.

rewardsp=daily rewardsstaked tokenspstakedpoolrewards_p = \textit{daily rewards} * \frac{\textit{staked tokens}_p}{staked pool}

rewardsprewards_p - is the reward for the current user, daily rewards\textit{daily rewards} - is the daily reward, staked tokensp\textit{staked tokens}_p - is the staked amount of the current user, total staked\textit{total staked} - is the total amount of staked tokens.

Daily rewards consist of a fixed part allocated from the total supply and a dynamic part (depending on the profit received by the ecosystem).

daily rewards=fix pool+profit pool \textit{daily rewards}= \textit{fix pool}+\textit{profit pool}

Fix pool\textit{Fix pool} - daily fixed remuneration, which will be accrued from 01.08.2023 to 01.10.2025, for a total of 762 days. The base daily payout will be a minimum of ~2 703 TYZ.

Profit pool\textit{Profit pool} - pool to which a part of the income of the TYZ ecosystem is transferred. Profit pool will depend on the duration of the lock-up period receives. The longer the staking period, the greater the share of rewards from the income of the TYZ ecosystem the investor

Closing the stake and claiming rewards

The investor will be able to withdraw his TYZ tokens from the stake after the end of the lock-up period. At the same time, the stake amount will be available for vesting in 7 days.

Withdrawal of the award is possible at any time (including vesting). You choose when to collect the reward: after each payout (every 30 days) or after the stake is closed.

Staking rewards will be available by vesting:

  • after 14 days – 60%,

  • every next 7 days – 20%.


An early unstake fee is deducted from the initial amount of the stake. And the rewards, if they were accrued earlier, remain available for withdrawal.

The early unstake fee for all lock-up periods is the same and depends on the time elapsed from the opening of the stake:

  • in the first 14 days – 25% of the stake amount;

  • after 14 days – 10% of the stake amount.

Last updated