Staking stage 2

Staking stage 2 starts on 01.02.2023 and will last until 01.07.2023 (150 days). Similar to the first stage, rewards will be distributed among stakers every day. But now 350 000 TYZ is allocated for staker rewards. Thus, a minimum yield of 5.7% is guaranteed for the entire stake period. The percentage is lower than in the previous stage, but this will be compensated by the added mechanics of reward calculation. Stakers will receive a share of the income of the TYZ ecosystem.

Participation conditions

Users will be able to invest in staking only TYZ tokens, rewards will also be paid in TYZ tokens. At the same time, invest tokens at any time, no later than 24 hours before the date of completion of the first stage of the staking platform. Moreover, you can add TYZ tokens to an already created stake.

Distribution of Rewards

Rewards will be distributed daily in proportion to the stake balance of each investor.

rewardsp=daily rewardsstaked tokenspstakedpoolrewards_p = \textit{daily rewards} * \frac{\textit{staked tokens}_p}{staked pool}

rewardsprewards_p⁣ – is the reward for the current user, daily rewards\textit{daily rewards} ⁣ – is the daily reward, staked tokensp\textit{staked tokens}_p ⁣ – is the staked amount of the current user, total staked\textit{total staked}⁣ – is the total amount of staked tokens.

Daily rewards now consist of a fixed part, allocated from the total supply, and a dynamic part, which depends on the profit received by the ecosystem.

daily rewards=fix pool+profit pool \textit{daily rewards}= \textit{fix pool}+\textit{profit pool}

fix pool\textit{fix pool} ⁣ – daily fixed reward, profit pool\textit{profit pool}⁣ – a pool to which a portion of the income of the TYZ ecosystem is transferred.

Claim rewards

Investors will be able to withdraw their funds along with the rewards in full immediately after the completion of the stage. And if the investor has not done this within 30 days after the completion of the stage, then his stake, along with rewards, are transferred to the reward pool for the next stages of staking.


Investors can claim their TYZ tokens back ahead of time, the commission for this operation is not withheld. But at the same time, the rewards, if they were accrued to the user earlier, are transferred to the reward pool for the next stages of staking.

Example of calculating rewards for staking stage 2

Last updated