Example of calculating rewards for staking stage 1

Bob staked 500 000 TYZ on the first day for the entire period (for 92 days).

Alice invested 200 000 TYZ 30 days before the end of the staking stage.

Jack deposited 150 000 TYZ 2 days after the start of the staking phase, and 30 days later added another 150,000 TYZ.

1 - 2 days

Bob receives the entire reward for two days:

2 days×978.26 TYZ=1 956.5 TYZ2 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 1\textit{ }956.5\textit{ TYZ}

Days 3 to 32:

Jack (150,000 TYZ in stake) and Bob (500,000 TYZ in stake) share the reward in proportion to their balance.

Bob's Reward:

500 000 TYZ650 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=22 575.3 TYZ\frac{500\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{650 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 22\textit{ }575.3\textit{ TYZ}

Jack's Reward:

150 000 TYZ650 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=6 772.6 TYZ\frac{150\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{650 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 6\textit{ }772.6\textit{ TYZ}

Days 33 to 62:

Jack's steak balance has increased to 300,000 TYZ, respectively, his share of the reward is also increasing.

Bob's Reward:

500 000 TYZ800 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=18 342.4 TYZ\frac{500\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{800 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 18\textit{ }342.4\textit{ TYZ}

Jack's Reward:

300 000 TYZ800 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=11 005.4 TYZ\frac{300\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{800 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 11\textit{ }005.4\textit{ TYZ}

Days 63 to 92:

Now the rewards will be distributed among three participants.

Bob's Reward:

500 000 TYZ1 000 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=14 673.93 TYZ\frac{500\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{1\textit{ }000 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 14\textit{ }673.93\textit{ TYZ}

Jack's Reward:

300 000 TYZ1 000 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=8 804.3 TYZ\frac{300\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{1\textit{ }000 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 8\textit{ }804.3\textit{ TYZ}

Alice's Reward:

200 000 TYZ1 000 000 TYZ×30 days×978.26 TYZ=5 869.5 TYZ\frac{200\textit{ } 000\textit{ TYZ}}{1\textit{ }000 \textit{ }000\textit{ TYZ}}\times 30 \textit{ days}\times 978.26 \textit{ TYZ} = 5\textit{ }869.5\textit{ TYZ}


For the entire staking period, the rewards were distributed as follows:

Last updated