Spending funds

As you may have noticed above, on crowdsales 4, 5, and 6, the price of the token depends on the exchange rate. Therefore, it is currently impossible to determine the exact amount of funding in advance. When evaluating it, we rely on the average predicted value of the token, which will be favorable for the ecosystem. It is likely that the rate may be both higher and lower than our expectations. In the first case, more than the expected amount will be collected, which will only speed up further development.

And if the funds raised are significantly less than the funding plan? In such a situation, we are ready to accept the risk of increased costs and cover the costs ourselves. At the same time, we are confident that the ecosystem will be able to attract a sufficient number of new ones and maintain interest from current investors. There are several reasons for this:

  • the first three stages of the crowdsale, with a set price, will significantly help recoup the costs at the initial stage of development. The necessary base will be formed, the development process will be established, and the token will be backed by liquidity on the DEX;

  • the ecosystem at the time of the crowdsale, № 4 will generate profit, which will be used primarily to finance further development; With the launch of Crowdsale №4, the final stage of development begins, and by its beginning, the main functions of the ecosystem will have already been implemented.

More details about the costs can be found in the section Business model

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